Music are one of the part in our lives which is we use in our daily activities . Music is important things for release our tension. Music also give a lot of benefits at the same time it also give negative things.Now a days, peoples are interest to heard new music such as, rocks,jazz and rock and roll. At the same time,old song such as,melodys and the old songs also are fulfill with meaning.
The new songs normally are full with meaningless word such as, in this genarations mostly for the youth are likes to heard new songs and they didnt like to heard old songs.The new songs mostly are concerntrate to love, sex, and emotional but the old songs are can follow by our generations because they are recently concerntrate to moral values in our lives for example, the malay song '' lagu madu tiga".
The old songs are give a lot of benefits to our genaration such as, we can follow up with old songs in our daily activities and they can show our good attitude to the publics.That also can increase our moral values of humanities such as, helping each other,respect each other and helping people without see the races.Other than that, we can say that the old can give a lot of benefits in our live which are we can compare with new songs is mostly bring negative things in our live.
Lastly, the old songs is a better songs that can make a new generation which can build a peaceful country that can be example our country for the other country and we also can say that old is gold which can make peaceful future for our country.